Find Your Balance

9864da9bb46926f471752ee989b539f4-1A key element to feeling my best is finding and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.  I am a full time college student, a part time intern, a sorority sister, and a fitness enthusiast. It’s no secret that maintaining a balanced lifestyle is no easy task. In the midst of our crazy, hectic schedules it becomes difficult to find stability.

After having spent the last semester studying abroad in Florence, Italy, adjusting to life back in LA is a much more difficult task than I anticipated.  For anyone adjusting to a new routine or new schedule, it is important to stay grounded, to stay balanced.  These 5 helpful tips from Web MD are little reminders of what we can do daily to make sure to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle.

1.  Build downtime into your schedule

2. Drop activities that sap your time or energy

3. Rethink your errands

4. Get Moving

5.  Remember that a little relaxation goes a long way

DSC_0051In addition to these helpful tips, I started by making one personalized goal for myself that I hope will help ease the process of getting back on track and feeling fit.  My goal this semester is to eat less sugar (I have a terrible sweet tooth) and to eat more greens.  My favorite way to get extra vitamins and vegetables into my diet is through green smoothies.  One of my biggest inspirations for being fit and making smoothies is a friend of mine, Jordan Younger, a 23-year-old yoga junkie and lover of all things vegan.  In her blog, The Blonde Vegan, she talks about her struggle to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle and how turning vegan was able to guide her down that path.  One of my favorite recipes on her blog is “The Balanced Smoothie.”  This recipe resonated with me and is also made with some of my favorite ingredients like banana, kale, and mint leaves.  Not only does it look darn good, but it tastes just as amazing.  If you want the full recipe or just want to learn more about the inspirational woman behind The Blonde Vegan, click here.  I hope that I can encourage and inspire you in the same way she inspired me.  It’s never to late to take the first step toward living a healthier and happier life. Today is the day to Stand Up, Stand Out, and Start Living.



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